Apache Kafka Streams DSL Stateless Transformations

A state is not needed when doing sequential processing data (like instant arithmetic calculations). I examine all stateless transformations with samples. Processing logic created with Java 8. Below dependency is used for logic API creation. 1. Branch (or split): Branch transformation is used when source topic is splitted to different child downstream topics. KStream –> Read more about Apache Kafka Streams DSL Stateless Transformations[…]

Apache Kafka Streams DSL Stateful Transformations

Stateful transformations use the state store for processing input records and creating output from them. Aggregations, joins, and windowing operation need state stores of each previous stream processors (tasks) to accumulate the final status of the elements. In this topic, Stream DSL stateful transformations is being examined with samples. Sample logics is developed using Java Read more about Apache Kafka Streams DSL Stateful Transformations[…]